What we do
Here's a snap shot of what we do, click the links to find out more or contact us as we are always happy to make new connections, explore new challenges and ultimately make a difference.

Careers Development
& Mentoring
We offer empowerment and careers development resources, training consultancy and support for professionals working with young people including; schools, colleges (including specialist) and agencies. Our Aspire for mainstream provision and Aspire Plus for SEND provision help schools and colleges to develop a high -quality careers programmes and pastoral support that are linked to Gatsby benchmarks, CDI framework and the SEN code of practice. We also deliver training to mentors, teaching staff and career leads on careers development and mentoring with impact. Our resources and programmes can be used in a group or 1-1 format for meaningful and impactful sessions with young people helping young people to understand how to help themselves.

Organisational change
Our Align approach focuses on honing personal and organisational values, principles and practices for smoother transition through change, healthy culture and increased empowerment, wellbeing and resilience.

Personal growth, development and wellbeing
Our Fire inside programme, resources and coaching help individuals find wellbeing through self- empowerment. Our tools and techniques help you build inner strength from the inside out, align you to your higher potential, building emotional resilience for a purposeful and fulfilled life of wellbeing. Sign up to our online option and watch your life transform. The programme is in an accessible, flexible format that you can fit into any busy schedule.

Sounding Board Consultancy
We act as a critical friend and sounding board to help make changes and improvements to your organisation. Undertaking an audit and general health check, we produce a gap analysis, development plan to suggest improvements and changes whilst helping you measure impact in an easy and effective way.