Careers Development & Mentoring
We provide a range of training, development, evaluation solutions to schools, colleges, independent schools, creative centres and hubs who work with young people for personal growth and development.
We focus on mentoring, careers, wellbeing, building resilience and empowerment.
Training & Development
Our training focuses on impactful conversations and Mentoring with maximum impact. This training helps teachers, key workers, facilitators and TA’s to:
Develop enhanced communication skills and techniques.
communicate effectively with impact and meaning to include reflective listening and how to build trust and rapport.
Integrate our IGROW model to develop conversation purpose and structure.
How to empower individuals by helping them to gain greater self-awareness, look at options and solutions for themselves and how to plan for the future.
Using engaging resources to aid impactful conversation.
Understand the importance of ‘presence’, holding space, courage, compassion and responsibility.
Understanding our emotional triggers, values and boundaries to form healthy communication.
Implement empowerment strategies, growth mindsets and helping to build resilience and conflict resolution.
Careers, training & webinars
Support available to raise awareness of the The Career Landscape and options post 16 /19/ 25 for SEND and mainstream.
This training helps teachers to:
Understand the careers landscape and changes
Understand their responsibilities in relation to careers
Have a deeper understanding of the career options available to their young people.
Be able to measure impact and relate their teaching and subject area to careers, enterprise, skills development and personal growth and development.
Aspire & Aspire Plus
We provide inspirational training session for young people and training for mentors, support workers, education providers, & teachers on how to teach and deliver of our Aspire and Aspire Plus programmes enabling staff to have the resources and approach to deliver engaging, impactful and empowering sessions with young people throughout the organisation.
Our Aspire approach helps young people to develop self-advocacy, self–awareness, transferable, social and transition skills that can support careers, employment and enterprise.
The Aspire approach helps equip young people to
successfully navigate adulthood beyond 16 and 18 to help make enhanced decisions about their life and the future. Aspire promotes wellbeing and building resilience from the inside out. The impact of which means that young people eel a greater sense of empowerment, motivation and control over their lives, wellbeing and future.
Workshops are combination of motivational videos, interactive tools / activities and
purposeful discussion.
Our Aspire Sessions and activities help schools and colleges fulfil their requirements towards the
Gatsby Benchmark, for example;
to support Benchmark 1) A stable careers programme, Aspire;
• Supports and helps students to make better
decisions about their future
• Enables students to recognise, develop and
enhance their transferable, life and social
• Promotes and develops self-advocacy,
negotiation, decision making and transition
• Recognises and encourages the learner to
find and use their voice
• Promotes and enables the active
involvement of young people in decisions
that affect their future.
When considering Benchmark 2) earning from career and labour market information, Aspire;
• Students explore and understand the pathways
available, their own skills and the how they
link to future employment industries.
Benchmark 3) Addressing the needs of each
pupil, through Aspire;
• Students create an individual vocational
profile to include skills, qualities, interests,
values, life and career goals and priorities.
• Aspirations are raised aspirations by looking
at options, choices, mindsets, building
resilience and solution focused approach to
challenges and obstacles.
• A unique approach to recording information
and developing a summary profile with
future planning goals and actions is created
through an engaging, visual format.
Aspire Plus
Our Aspire Plus approach focuses on inclusive practices to enhance IAG services to young people with special educational needs to develop self-advocacy, self – awareness, transferable, social and transition skills that can support careers, employment and enterprise. The Aspire approach helps equip young people with SEN to successfully navigate and prepare for adulthood beyond 16 and 18 to help make enhanced decisions about their life and the future.
These tools have been developed to enhance Information, advice and guidance services to SEND students by providing inclusive practices to include resource cards to aid understanding of a student’s careers profile in a more meaningful way.
Aspire can help capture the ‘voice of students’ in an easy visual format enabling EHCP reviews and outcomes to be more meaningful and specific to the young person.
Resources aimed at young people with:
- Cognitive learning barrier at moderate/severe level ASD/ communication challenges
- Physical disability/mild learning difficulty e.g dyslexia
- Social, emotional, behavioural Looked after children, young carers, PRU.
This helps fulfil SEND responsibilities as outlined in the SEN code of practice, in particular:
• Taking into account the views of children, young people.
• Enabling children, young people to participate in decision making
• Identifying the needs of children and young people
• Making high quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people
• Focusing on inclusive practices and removing barriers to learning
• Helping children and young people to prepare for adulthood
Our approach and resources are so easy to use yet so powerful you will want to use them all the time, but don't take our word for it, here's what others have said...
“The activities got me to think about possibilities I would never have thought off”
Young Person’s Coach / Mentor, Aspire, June 2019
“…I didn’t know I could do this”
Young Person, Aspire, Sept 2019
“I didn’t feel able to speak up before”
Young person, Aspire, June 2019
“This really has inspired, and motivated our young people”
Support Worker Aspire, June 19
"Just used these for the first time - wow, wow, wow, connected on a different level!"
Creative Mentor, Impactful conversations, Dec 19
We offer consultancy to undertake an audit, gap analysis of careers strategy and framework to help you reach the Gatsby benchmarks with development plan and recommendations for improvements and implementations.