'A person- centred approach to: preparation for adulthood planning for children and young people with send'
Interactive Mentoring Programme designed specifically with the needs of CYP with SEND in mind
(both SEN Support and CYP with an EHCP)
Can be delivered to CYP by our specialist SEND Aspire Mentors, or by school staff who have undertaken the Aspire SEND Training
Planning can evolve/flex around the changing needs of the individual, year-by-year, and in line with the preparation for adulthood process
Provides a bespoke Toolkit for professionals based around clear, visually engaging, and simple to use card packs aimed specifically at learners with moderate learning difficulties and communication needs
Understanding Me​
Plot my skills and competence against my interests and ambitions.
Recognise my super-strengths and skills for development.
Celebrate my strengths and who I am as an individual.
Recognise the skills I need in everyday life.
Use of avatar and communication symbols to assist my understanding.
Recognise, and manage my emotions.
Explore how emotions can affect my communication with others - and how I can communicate more effectively for better outcomes.
Learn what can I do to help manage my own stress and anxiety.
Explore activities that could help me to relax and unwind.
My Future​
What really matters to me?
Try visual goal setting – short, medium and long-term.
Understand what my pathway options are, and my decisions at each transition point.
Consider what steps I need to take to achieve my goals - employment and careers, independent living, health and community inclusion.
Understand what is holding me back and how to overcome obstacles.
Feel motivated to make change.
Explore new opportunities to grow, learn and develop
Discover more about careers and the world of work in a fun and interactive way.
My Actions
Decide what actions I need to take to achieve my future vision?
What is holding me back?
Prioritise actions.
Understanding and preparing for change.
Break actions down into small steps.
How will I know when I’ve achieved my steps and reached my goals?
What is the Aspire SEND Training Package?
Our Aspire SEND Training Package allows individuals to deliver our Aspire SEND Programme to CYP. This Package includes:
1/2 a day of Aspire SEND Training, on how to utilise our resources effectively.
1/2 a day of Skills Training, which involves: effective mentoring, an introduction to holding impactful conversations; capturing the voice of the child; rapport-building; developing a growth mindset; restorative approaches.
1/2 a day of Follow-Up involving a reflection and review session.
Why should you undertake the Aspire SEND Programme?​
Is an interactive mentoring programme designed specifically with the needs of CYP with SEND in mind – both SEN Support and CYP with an EHCP.
The Aspire SEND Programme can be delivered to CYP by our specialist SEND Aspire mentors, or by school staff who have undertaken the Aspire SEND Training.
Aspire SEND person-centred planning can evolve and flex around the changing needs of the individual year-by-year, and in line with the preparation for adulthood process - careers, independent living, community and friendship, and health.
The Aspire SEND Programme provides a bespoke toolkit for professionals based around clear, visually engaging, and simple to use card packs aimed specifically at learners with moderate learning difficulties and communication needs.
How does it prepare CYP for Adulthood Planning?
Matches Individual's Needs and Levels of Understanding; relating to their SEND.
Is relevant to the stage the CYP is at in their academic learning pathway: Year 9, 10 and 11.
Is relevant to the stage in their social and emotional development- who and what will become more important to them as they grow and develop/
Is aligned to Gatsby Benchmarks.
Is sensitive to emerging levels of self-knowledge and identity and how these may relate to friendships, interest, activities, and community.
Enables CYP to know about the new opportunities and options becoming available to them as they get older.
Is aligned to Shropshire's Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) Transition Document.
How does our Aspire SEND Programme align to Shropshire's PFA Document?​
To ensure our Aspire SEND Programme is aligned with Shropshire's PFA Transition Document, we have outlined three core areas of outcomes our programme strives for. This includes:
Understanding Me
My Future
My Actions
Please see graphics to the left which further describes our key areas of focus in each core area.